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PBIS4313 – Writing III
Utami Widiati, Sunu Dwi Antoro, Darminah, Rahayu Dwi Riyanti, Emi Emilia
Edisi 1 / 4 SKS / Modul 1-12
467 halaman: ilustrasi; 21 cm.
ISBN 9789790117341
Tangerang Selatan: Universitas Terbuka, 2014DDC 23: 411
This course deals with the discussion of how to write an essay in English and it is completed with the writing exercises to practice writing. It is designed to give you the opportunity to learn the theory of essay writing and improve essay writing skills in English through practicing. To improve writing competence, you need to learn topics discussed in this course which include elements of paragraph, elements of essay and other types of essays such as narrative, description, exposition using the example and illustration, comparison and contrast, classification, process analysis, cause and effect, definition), and argumentation.
Jam Layanan (selama bulan Ramadhan)
- Sirkulasi
- Senin-Kamis: 8.30-14.30 WIB
- Jum'at: 8.30-15.00 WIB
- Istirahat Jum'at: 11.30-13.00 WIB
- Streaming
- Sabtu-Minggu: 8.00-13.00 WIB
Universitas Terbuka
Jalan Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan