Reimagining Higher Education : Case Studies On Designing For Inclusion, Equity, And Access In The Buka Project
/in Publikasi UT Publikasi UT /by Rudi DarmawanThe Industrial Revolution 4.0 has had a tremendous impact on changing the landscape of the business world and the industrial world. The automation and digitization of various production processes and product marketing change the order of HR competency needs tremendously. Various types of work that are usually done by humans are replaced by machines, so that various HR competencies and skills that are usually ‘capital’ to work become irrelevant. Those rapid changes were accelerated by the COVID-19 pandemic which significantly changed the behaviour of economic actors so that it has nourished various online-based business models. As a result, the World Economic Forum (2017) predicts that by 2025 alone around 50% of the global workforce will now have to be reskilling in order for them to do their ‘new’ jobs well. It is anticipated that these changes will continue to take place as technology and business models develop and advance in synchrony. Therefore, it will be necessary to consistently improve human capital without interfering with their ability to perform their jobs effectively.
Nyala Daya Juang Para Guru Bangsa : Kisah Inspiratif Mahasiswa FKIP UT Seri 2
/in Publikasi UT Publikasi UT /by Rudi DarmawanBuku yang berjudul “Nyala Daya Juang Para Guru Bangsa: Kisah Inspiratif Mahasiswa FKIP, Seri 2” ini merupakan sebuah cermin yang merefleksikan perjalanan luar biasa mahasiswa Fakultas Keguruan dan Ilmu Pendidikan (FKIP) Universitas Terbuka (UT) dalam mengarungi lautan tantangan demi mencapai cita-cita pendidikan. Sejak berdirinya UT pada tahun 1984, lembaga ini telah berkomitmen untuk memberikan akses pendidikan yang berkualitas bagi seluruh lapisan masyarakat, dan FKIP menjadi garda terdepan dalam mewujudkan visi tersebut.
Nyala Daya Juang Para Guru Bangsa : Kisah Inspiratif Mahasiswa FKIP UT Seri 2
/in Publikasi UT /by Rudi DarmawanReimagining Higher Education : Case Studies On Designing For Inclusion, Equity, And Access In The Buka Project
/in Publikasi UT /by Rudi DarmawanProblem-Based Learning In Action : Inovasi Pembelajaran Guru Mahasiswa FKIP Universitas Terbuka
/in Publikasi UT /by Rudi DarmawanJendela Literasi Generasi Bangsa : Empat Dasawarsa Perpustakaan Universitas Terbuka
/in Publikasi UT /by Rudi DarmawanJam Layanan
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Universitas Terbuka
Jalan Cabe Raya, Pondok Cabe, Pamulang, Tangerang Selatan