Page 239 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 239

Offices, not  from  the  students  directly.  To  substitute  this  staff  reduction  from

                 Pus/aba,  PELMA  gets  an  additional  academic  staff. With  this  additional  staff,
                 services  through  telephone, facsimile , and  electronic mail  are  handled  better.

                      All  inquiries,  consultation  or  cases  received  can  be  dealt  with  in  the
                 same  day.  All  cases  unsolved  by  PELMA  are  to  be  handled  by  relevant  units.

                 However, there  is  still  lack  of  professional  staff who  are  competent  in  giving
                 guidance  in  developing  lesson  plan  and  counseling  at  the  beginning  of

                 studies.  Whereas,  they  should  be  assigned  as  well  at  PELMA  and  in  every
                 Regional  Office.

                This  service  is  effective  to  help  students  who  have  the  time  to  deal  with  their
                problems  directly  so  that  they  can  be  taken  care  of  quickly.  This  kind  of

                service  is  used  by  them  to  get  their  academic  records. However, this  service
                is  not  effective  to  deal  with  the  problems  collectively  because  they  vary  and
                take  quite  a  long  time  to  deal  with ,  for  collective  cases,  students  are

                suggested  to  use  facilities  such  as  electronic  mails , telephones , facsimile , or

                      In  dealing with  the  students' problems, PELMA  works  together under the
                coordination  of  the  Vice  Rector  of Student  Affairs  and  the  Bureau  of Student

                Academic  Administration,  Planning  and  Information  System  (so-called

                BAAKRENSI) ,  which  now  becomes  Bureau  of  Academic  Administration ,
                Planning  and  Monitoring  (BAAPM) .  Those  units  work  together  with  relevant
                units  at  UT,  such  as  Examination  Center,  Learning  Material  Service  Center,

                Computer  Center,  and  the  Faculty  and  Post-Graduate  Program.  However,  in

                fact , there  is  a lot of time  consumed  to  serve  the  students  who  come  directly
                so  that  the  response  sent  by  letter,  facsimile ,  and  telephones  cannot  be
                handled  well .  For  that  reason ,  from  1999  a  decision  was  made  that  letters

                that  relate  to  academic  administration  matters  should  be  sent  to  BAAPM ,
                while  those  related  to  academic  matters  are  to  be  sent  to  relevant  Faculties.

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