Page 244 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 244

learning  support  to  the  students  who  need  it.  So,  tutorials  are  mainly
              emphasized  on  giving  explanation  about  the  content  of  particular  courses

              they  do  not  understand.  Things  which  are  usually  asked  by  the  student  in
              tutorial  sessions are  as  the  following.

              o  The  content  of the  module  that is  difficult to  understand.

              o  The  application of concepts  learned  from  the  learning  materials .
              o  Difficult formative  tests and  exercises.

              o  Learning  preparations for final  examination  or final  project, etc.

           •  Academic counseling  service
                  Academic  counseling  service  is  done  for  individual  students  through

              letters,  electronic  mail ,  facsimile  and  telephone.  They  can  send  letters,
              facsimile ,  electronic  mail  or  make  a  telephone  call  to  relevant  Faculty  or

              Post-Graduate  Program  for  consultation  on  course  content  that  is  not  well
              understood.  Every  student  can  do  written  counseling  through  letters

              individually.  This  kind  of  counseling  has  strengths  and  weaknesses.  Its
              strengths  are  it  can  be  done  by  every  student,  even  from  remote  areas .

              However, it is  not very  efficient because  it takes  a long  time  to  get  to  UT. Not
              being  able  to  answer  the  students'  letters  in  quite  a  long  time  can  de-

              motivate them  because  they  can  feel  that UT  ignores them .
                  In  the  meantime,  the  students  who  live  in  the  cities  that  have  internet

              facilities  and  those  who  are  willing  to  make  use  of  these  communication
              facilities  can  make  academic consultation  related  to  the  content  of the  course

              through  the  electronic  mail.  The  strength  of  the  electronic  mail  is  that  they
              can  receive  the  answers  immediately, because  academic  staff in  the  Faculties

              or  the  Post-Graduate  Program  can· receive  the  electronic  mail  only  within
              seconds  after being  sent.  Therefore, the  students can  be  assisted  in  learning.

              Beside  that, the  students or  their tutors  can  send  files  that contain  pictures  or

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