Page 243 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 243

Academic  Services

                 Academic  services  are  given  to  the  students  who  need  assistance  in

             academic  matters  faced  in  studying  the  learning  materials.  They  can  get
             academic  services  such  as  tutorials ,  academic  counseling  service,  and  library

             service .
             •   Tutorial service

                    UT  students  are  required  to  study  on  their  own ,  in  a  study  group  or  by
                 attending  tutorial.  Tutorial  is  expected  to  help  students  who  have  difficulty  in

                 understanding  the  learning  materials,  but  it  is  not  expected  to  be  like
                 teaching  or  lecturing  activity  as  in  the  face-to-face  higher  education

                 institution.  As  a  result,  the  proportion  of  self-study  is  bigger  than  that  of
                 tutorial .  Considering   the   varieties   of   students'   ages,  educational

                 backgrounds , jobs,  and  learning  facilities  they  have , it can  be  assumed  that
                 their  learning  ability  and  perception  vary. Therefore, it  can  also  be  assumed

                 that there  are  some  of them  who  need  learning support in  the  form  of tutorial.
                    Tutor  is  a content  expert who  has  the  mastery  of  certain  subject  and  has

                 qualifications  that  are  almost  the  same  as  conventional  educational
                 institutions  (Mclnnis-Ranklin  and  Brindley,1986). Tutorials  at  UT  are  given  in

                 the  form  of  face-to-face,  written ,  and  online  tutorials .  Every  form  of  tutorial
                 has  strengths  and  weaknesses. Tutors  for face-to-face  tutorials  are  academic

                 staff at  UT  or  other  lecturers  from  other  universities.  While  tutors  for  written
                 or online  tutorials  are  the  UT  own  academic  staff.

                    According  to  Race  (1990),  tutors'  roles  are  (1)  to  give  feedback  to  the
                 students,  (2)  to  teach  either  face-to-face  or  through  communication  devices,

                 (3)  to  give  support  and  guidance  including  how  to  motivate  and  help  them
                 develop  their  learning  skills.  Ideally,  each  student  has  the  right  to  get  tutor

                 assistance ,  either  it  is  related  to  the  contents  of  the  courses  or  it  is  in  the
                 form  of  counseling .  However,  the  UT  tutorials  are  emphasized  on  giving

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