Page 247 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 247

attend  tutorials  regularly,  or  to  what  extent  tutorials  help  them  in  their

                Learning  facilities  at  the  Regional  Offices  are  supposed  to  be  made  use  of by
                the  students.  However,  not  many  students  are  aware  of the  provision  of  the

                learning  facility.  Beside  that,  there  has  been  no  effort  to  give  training  to  the
                students  so  that  they  can  use  the  learning  facilities,  such  as  how  to  use

                computer  aided  instructional  materials.


                  Learning  support  services  for  the  students  are  the  integral  part  of distance
             higher education  system . For  prospective  students, the  services  need  to  be  given
             in  the  form  of  information and  counseling.  Sufficient information  on  the  programs
            offered  and  the  learning  system  UT  applies  at  the  beginning  of  registration

             period  are  expected  to  be  able  to  help  the  students  prevent  from  dropping  out  or
             moving  to  another  university.  Beside  these  services,  UT  also  provides  services

             such  as  dealing  with  academic  administration  matters  as  well  as  academic
             support  services  in  the  form  tutorials  and  mini  libraries. Tutorials  are  carried  out
            in  groups  or  individually  either  face-to-face,  written ,  online,  or  by  postal

            correspondence,  internet or facsimile.
                  The  development  of  learning  support  service  system  in  distance  higher
            education  institution  should  carefully  consider  who  needs  assistance  and  what

            kind  of  assistance  the  students  need.  Once  the  students'  needs  for  assistance
            has  been  identified,  the  administrators  of  the  distance  higher  education
            institution  can  determine  the  way  to  give  it by  considering  some  factors  such  as

            cost,  technology  and  geography. In  order to  know  whether  the  services  reach  the
            target  and  meet  the  requirements  for  the  improvement  of  quality  service ,  it  is

            necessary to  do  continuous  assessment.

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