Page 252 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 252

highest  peak  in  the  number of student registration  was  115,161  during  the  1993.2
           registration  period . In  this  period , apart from  running  the  D-11  PGSD  Program, UT
           was  also  assigned  by  the  Directorate  General  to  offer  the  Diploma  Ill  for  In-

           service  Secondary  Teacher  Education  Program  (D-Ill  PGSMP)     3   through  a
           scholarship  scheme.  The  composition  of  the  new  student  registration  in  the
            Education  Program  during  the  registration  period  of  1993-2  consisted  of  8,718

           students  of  Regular  Program  (so-called  Non-Pendas  Program) ,  90 ,351  students
           of D-11  PGSD  Program, and  16,092  students of D-Ill PGSMP  Program .

                 The  number  of student  registration  (new  registration  or  re-registration)  was

           356 ,581  in  1995.2  registration  period .  However,  after  reaching  the  highest
           number  of students  in  1995,  since  1996  the  number  of  registering  students  had
           been  gradually  decreasing.  In  1999.2  registration  period,  the  UT  registering

           students  were  230,260.  The  composition  of  new  registering  students  for  regular
           program  in  this  period  was  29,884  and  for  D-11  PGSD  Program  was  6,572. In  this
           period  of registration , the  number  of new  reg istering  students  of  regular  program

           was  quite  high  because  it was  supported  by  cooperation  with  the  Department  of
           Agriculture  that  recruited  5,893  agriculture  extension  staff  to  study  at  UT.

            Besides,  there  were  1.542  new  registering  students  of  Akta  IV  Program  of  the
            Faculty of Teacher Training  and  Educational  Science.

           2000  - 2005  period

                 Beginning  in  2000  local  autonomy  pol icy  was  put  into  effect  where  the
           management  of  state  finance  was  decentralized  at  district/municipal  level.  As  a

           result, the  cooperation  of offering  D-11  PGSD  Program  at  the  central  government
           level  was  discontinued,  and  UT  had  to  work  hard  to  establish  cooperation  with
           local  government at  provincial  or district level.

             The Government requires junior high school teachers to hold D-Ill certificate.
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