Page 253 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 253

In  this  period,  there  was  no  significant  increase  in  the  number  of  students

             because  not  only  UT  had  to  work  hard  to  cooperate  with  the  local  governments
             and  other  government  agencies ,  but  there  was  also  high  competition  among
             higher  education  institutions  themselves.  This  was  because  a  lot  of  private
             higher  education  institutions  were  established  in  districts  or  cities,  and  kelas

            jauh (which  literally means  "distance  classroom"),  conducted  by  the  state  higher
            education  institutions. In  this  period , the  highest number  of students  was  45,274

             in  2000 .1  registration  period.  This  consisted  of  20,822  students  of  regular
            programs  and  24,452  students of D-11  PGSD  program.
                  In  the  early  2005  UT  was  again  assigned  by  the  Directorate  General  of

             Primary  and  Secondary  Education  to  offer  S1  PGSD,  and  D-11  In-service  Pre-
             school  Teacher  Education  Program  (PGTK)  under  a scholarship  scheme .  In  this
            registration  period,  the  number  of  new  registering  students  increased  up  to

            54,598 .  The  composition  was  12,515  students  of  regular  programs,   25,650
             students  of  D-11  PGSD  program,  and  18.095  students  of S1  PGSD  program  and
            3.002  students  of D-11  PGTK program .  The  number  of new  registering  of 12,515
            students  included  3,676  students  of  Teaching  Certificate  Program  (Program  Akta
            Mengajar).  and  1,852  students  from  AI  Zaitun  Muslim  School  through  scholarship


            Causes  of Fluctuating  Student  Number

            Based  on  the  above  description  in  the  development of student  numbers , it can  be

            concluded  that  the  fluctuating  number  of  students  was  caused  by  various  factors
            as  follows .

             Kelas jauh (literally means "distance classroom") is lectures given to students of higher education
            institutions in different cities outside the city where the institutions are located. This sort of higher
            education practice is legally banned by the Directorate General of Higher Education.
             The Government requires pre-school teachers to hold at least a two-year University Diploma (D-

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