Page 251 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 251

1986 -        1989 period

                   In  1986,  UT  started  to  apply  new  registration  policy  that  could  be  done

             throughout  the  year.  Students  could  choose  any  courses  offered.  Besides, in  the
             same  year,  three  registration  periods  in  one  year  were  applied  and  the
             enrollment was  just carried  out in  every  semester.  The  number  of new  enrollment

             was  19,655.  However,  three  registration  periods  brought  a  lot  of  problems  in
             provision  of  UT  services  to  the  students.  So ,  in  1987  the  number  of enrollment
             (new  registration  and  re-registration)  decreased  drastically  to  16,135  in  one

             semester. In  this  period,  the  number of students  reached  the  lowest  point so  that
             it required  hard  work  to  rebuild  the  UT image  concerning  its  services so  that the
             students  would  return  to  UT  for  re-registration .  After  a  comprehensive  and

             careful  assessment,  it was  found  that  UT  was  not  able  to  apply  three  reg istration
             periods  a year.  Therefore,  since  1987  UT  has  returned  to  apply  two  registration

             periods  within  a year. As  a result  of  improving  its  services , in the  years  to  come
             the  number  of enrollment has  increased continuously.

             1990 - 1999 period

                  This  period  was  the  glorious  period  of  UT  from  the  point  of  view  of  the
             number  of  student  registration.  In  1990,  the  Directorate  General  of  Primary  and
             Secondary  Education  assigned  UT  to  offer  In-service  Primary  Teacher  Education
             Diploma  II  Program  (Program  Penyetaraan  D-11  PGSD)2.  The  number  of  students

             recruited  through  the  scholarship  scheme  in  1990  was  22,822,  plus  1,988  self-
             paying  students .  In  the  second  year  in  1991 ,  there  were   52 ,162  students

             enrolled ,  consisting  of  33,282  students  through  scholarship  scheme  and  18,880
             self-paying  students.  In  the  third  year  in  1992,  there  were  49,933  students
             enrolled,  consisting  of  23,293  students  through  scholarsh ip  scheme  and  26,640

             self-paying  students.  This  continual  growth  of  enrolment  lasted  until  1999.  The

              The Government requires primary school teachers to hold D-II certificate which is done through
             upgrading program.

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