Page 246 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 246

order  to  help  the  post-graduate  students  access  e-journals  either  national  or
               international ones.
               The  library  is  not  only  available  at  the  UT  Headquarters.  In  1996,  UT

               provided  academic  support  service  such  as  mini  libraries  in  several  Regional

               Offices  funded  by  the  Canadian  International  Development  Agency  (CIDA) .
               The  Regional  Offices  are  expected  to  become  the  learning  resource  center
               for  the  students.

               They  can  use  the  learning  facilities  such  as  mini  libraries  and  discuss  with

               fellow  students.  Mini  libraries  provide:
               o  Printed  learning  materials  (modules),
               o  Non-printed  learning  materials  (audio-cassette and  video),  and

               0   Recorded  radio  and  TV  broadcasts .

                   Mini  libraries  at  the  Regional  Offices  also  have  computer  facilities  that
               provide  Computer Assisted  Instruction  (CAl)  that  have  been  developed  by  the

               UT  academic  staff.  Unfortunately,  this  facility  is  not  made  use  of  by  the
               Regional  Offices  to  attract  and  supervise  the  students.  This  service  is  worth
               developing  its  sustainability  by  adding  computer  facility  connected  to  the

               i'nternet network.

               Every  Regional  Office  is  supported  by  academic  staff  and  learning  facilities
               so  that  the  Regional  Office  is  supposed  to  be  able  to  provide  academic

               counseling  services .  Unfortunately,  until  now  there  has  not  been  a
               comprehensive  research  on  academic  counseling  services  either  at  the  UT

               Headquarters  or  in  the  Regional  Office.  In  addition ,  it  is  still  unknown
               whether  the  academic  staffs  at  the  Regional  Office  are  able  to  give  academic
               counseling  or  how  many  students  need  counseling  or  attend  tutorials.  It  is

               still  also  unknown  whether  tutorials  work  well , or  whether  the  tutors  have  the

               ability  and  commitment  to  perform  the  tutorials ,  or  whether  the  students

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