Page 241 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 241

Program  for  academic  counseling  or  services.  Services  through  facsimile  are

                 more  effective  than  letters  sent  by  post  because  UT  receives  them  more
                 quickly, and  the  cost is  smaller than  telephone  calls.

                 ]   /IJf'}.\ ft!IIOIIIIololll  tlddl  /~11  IO,Hft  l11f1  Ill! f  /•jillllf'l   -  :"'1.,  X

                                       Peragaan Nilai Mahasiswa
                                               Program Reguler
                         NUIIi lnl sektdlll' untuk Infonnasl dan TIDAK DAP AT dlgunakan sebaglli bnktl otentlk st.hlngga TIDAK
                                          DAPAT cllpakal untuk mengklabn ... I  )

                            Tanggal Labir   :====~.,:.,;Format : ddmmyyyy (15021973)
                            Masa Regjstrasi!U'jian  :  '-'--""----

                                        (Pertu waktu konlllg leblh 5 menlt wttuk proses)

                 Examination  results  service  through  the  UT website  access ible  via

             •   Examination  results service on  the  website
                 In  1999,  UT  started  to  provide  examination  results  service  through  the

                 internet.  This  is  considered  positive  by  the  students,  because  there  are  quite
                 number  of  students  who  do  not  get  their  examination  results  because  of

                 incomplete  addresses . One  of the  weaknesses  of the  UT  database  is  too  little
                 space  available  for  address  so  that  the  students'  address  stored  in  the  UT

                 computer  system  is  not  complete.  Therefore ,  many  of  the  students  do  not
                 receive  their examination  results .

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