Page 236 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 236

academic  constraints  that  can  hamper  the  students'  learning  process  and  their
           studies at  UT.

                Academic  administration  problems  faced  by  the  students  include  the

           •   Difficulty in  getting forms  for  paying  tuition  fee.
           •   For  certain  reason  sitting  for  examination  in  an  examination  location  other

              than  the  previously  designated  location.
           •   Making  mistake  in  filling  out  their  own  personal  data  (name,  address ,

              Regional  Office, Study  Program)
           •   Registered  students  who  are  not registered  to  take  examination .

           •   Not  receiving  the  learning  materials ordered .
           •   Unavailability  of the  learning  materials in Regional  Offices.

           •   Not  receiving  the  approval  letter for credit transfer.
           •   Discrepancy  between  the  approved  courses  and  proposed  courses  for  credit

           •   Not  receiving  the  examination  results  or  dissatisfaction  with  the  results.
           •   Not  listed  on  the  students  eligible  to  graduate  in  spite  of  meeting  the

              requirements .

           For graduate  students , apart from  the  above  matters, there  are  other problems  as

           follows .
           •   Diffi culty  in  following  online  tutorial.  This  is generally  caused  by  the  lack  of

              knowledge  in  accessing  the  internet and  the  unreliable  network as  well  as  the
              slow  access to  the  internet.

           •   Students'  delays  in  registration  for  re-taking  the  examination  in  the  current
              semester.  This  has  often  happened  because  the  time  space  between  the

              announcement  of exam ination  results and  the  closing-date  for  registration  to
              take  the  examination  is  only  10 working  days.

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