Page 234 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 234

Brochures  about  UT  and  Study  Program  are  circulated  in  the  UT
              Headquarters and  37  Regional  Offices throughout  Indonesia.

           •   Provision  of catalogues
              The  UT  catalogue  contains  important  information  about  UT,  including

              registration  and  examination,  list  of  all  Study  Programs  and  curriculum
              offered , terms,  academic  rules,  and  important  addresses  of  Regional  Offices

              and  other  relevant  offices.  This  catalogue  is  a  source  of  information  about
              main  academic rules for the  students .

           •   Study orientation meeting  for new students
              Study  orientation  for  new  students  is  conducted  in  Regional  Offices  in  the

              beginning  of the  academic  year. This  meeting  is  aimed  at  introducing  the  UT
              learning  system,  introducing  new  students  to  UT  administrators  in  the

              Regional  Office  and  peer  students,  and  giving  information  about  the  UT
              student learning  support services.

           •   Provision  of UT website  through  the  internet accessible through:
              This  service  has  been  available  since  1996.  The  strength  of  web-based

              information  is  that  the  information  about  UT  can  be  accessed  from  all  over
              Indonesia,  and  even  from  all  over  the  world  twenty  four  hour  a  day.  The

              weakness  is  that  although  internet  kiosks  can  be  found  in  small  cities,  the
              habit  to  seek  information  or  browsing  through  the  internet  still  needs  to  be

           •   Provision  of  academic  calendar  at  the  UT  Headquarters,  Regional  Offices,

              and website
              The  academic calendar is  given  to  the  students after they  register. It  can  also

              be  seen  through  UT  website.
           •   Provision  of  information  and  consultation  service  through  electronic  mail
              info@p2m., pelma@p2m. id,  and pps@mail.


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