Page 230 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 230

relation  between  student  support  service  and service  users  can  be  described  as

                                         SUPPORT SERVICES
                                           FOR STUDENTS

              INFORMATION AND                ACADEMIC              ACADEMIC SERVICES
               CONSULTATION               ADMINISTRATION
                  SERVICES                    SERVICES

                 PROSPECTIVE            STUDENTS {HANDLING               STUDENTS
                STUDENTS AND                   CASES)              (LEARNING SUPPORT)

                                             Figure  1.
                                 UT learning support services

           Information  and  Con sul tation  Services

                Providing  information  and  consultation  is  an  important  service  in  an  open
          and  distance  learning  system  applied  at  UT,  bearing  in  mind  that  students  are

          separated  physically from  the  university, the  lecturers, and  from  fellow  students.

          This  service  is  intended  to  provide  complete  information  to  the  students  or
          prospective  students.  By  getting  the  information  easily  and  completely,  the
          students  or  prospective  students  are  expected  to  be  better  motivated  in  learning

          and  to  get assisted  in  solving  their learning  difficulties during their studies at  UT.
                From  time  to  time,  the  students  can  have  consultation  in  connection  with

          choosing  study  program,  selecting  suitable  courses,  having  problems  with  their

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