Page 231 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
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studies,  or  making  learning  plans  and  strategies.  In  this  case,  the  consultation

              provided  is  in  academic  areas, and  not personal  ones  because  professionals  that
              can  help  with  student counseling  are  not yet available.

              Services for  Prospective  Students

                   This  service  is  provided  to  facilitate  prospective  students  in  getting

              complete  information  about  UT.  This  service  can  be  given  either  before  they
              decide  to  register  as  students  or  after  they  decide  to  register.  Th is  service

              includes  providing  information  and  consultation  about several  things  as  follows.
              o  Selecting study program.

              o  Duration  of study.
              o  Requirements  and  information  to  become  UT  students .

              o  Purchasing  or ordering  the  learning  materials.
              o  Credit transfer.

              o  UT  learning  system.
              o  Information about type, location, and  schedule  for tutorials  at  UT.

                   For  the  UT  graduate  (master degree)  program,  there  are  additional  services

              for the  prospective  students and  students, such  as :

              o  Information about designated  Regional  Offices offering the  graduate  program .
              o  Registration  and  entry test into the graduate  program .
              o  Information about the  entry test subjects.

              o  Announcement of the  entry test results.

              o  Information  about  residential  supervision  for  master's  program  final  project
              o  Information  about examination  of master's program  final  project assignment.

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