Page 233 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 233

Services  for  Students

                   This  service  is  generally  provided  for  UT  students  who  need  information  on

              registration  process,  data  changes,  examination  results,  and  graduation  status.
              The  information  given  to  the  students includes the  following.

              •   Student registration  status .
              •   Changing  data  on  course  registration.

              •  Academic  leave. This  does  not  apply  to  graduate  students,  because  each  of
                 the  Regional  Offices  does  not  always  offer  the  same  graduate  programs  in

                 each  semester.
              •   Consultation  about  taking  semester  credit  courses  based  on  the  student's

                 learning  achievement in  the  previous  semester.
              •   Information  on  tutorial  schedule.

              •   Information  on  yudisium  (the  decision  about  when  students  are  stated  as
                 eligible to  graduate) and  graduation schedule.

              •   Data  changes, such  as  name,  address , and  Regional  Office.
              •   Information  on  examination  results .

              •   Consultation  about overall  student learning  achievement.
              •  Learning  strategies to  improve  learning achievement.

              •   Getting  academic transcript in  the  English  language.
              •   Getting  letter of recommendation  for  continuing  studies to  the  higher level.

                   Students  and  prospective  students  of  UT  are  spread  all  over  Indonesia.
              Their  access  to  information  varies  depending  upon  the  ava ilability  of
              communication  facilities  in  the  region . In  order to  reach  students and  prospective

              students  wherever  they  are, information  service  is  provided  using  various  means
              and  media.

              •   Provision  of information brochure about UT and Study Program

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