Page 237 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 237

In  order to  give  fast  and  accurate  services, UT  develops  computerized  data
             record  system . This  is  needed  in  order  that  student data  can  be  accessed  easily

             when  it  is  required,  bearing  in  mind  that  the  number  of  students  reaches
             hundreds  of  thousands. Therefore,  different  from  information  provision  services,

             the  academic  administration  services  generally  can  only  be  provided  at  the  UT
             Headquarters.  This  is  because  the  processing  and  storage  of student  academic

             data  are  done  centrally. The  Regional  Offices  are  not yet  eligible  for  this kind  of
             service,  considering  the  reasons  of  data  security  and  availability  of  facilities
             (especially computers  and  the  network system)  in  Regional  Offices .

                   The  academic  administration  services  that  UT  provides  for  the  students  are

             as  follows .
             •   Student Services  through  Student Service  Unit (PELMA)
                 In  1996, the  Student Service  Unit (PELMA) was  re-established , functioning  as

                 the  gate  for  the  students  who  want  to  communicate  with  UT,  either  through

                 letters,  facsimile , telephone , or  coming  directly.  The  main task  of  PELMA  is
                 to  serve  the  students  or  prospective  students  who  come  to  the  UT
                 Headquarters everyday  from  Monday to  Friday, from  8 a.m . to  4 p.m.

                 Staff  at  PELMA  include:  (1)  an  academic  staff,  (2)  two  staff  at  Registration

                 Office , (3)  two  staff at  the  Examination  Center,  (4)  a staff at  the  Distribution
                 Center, (5)  a staff at  Budget  Subdivision , and  three  administrative  staff.  This
                 staff  composition  shows  that  UT  considers  that  students'  problems  are

                 generally  related  to  academic  administration  matters.  In  this  case ,  student
                 learning  supports should  be  given  more  attention , whereas  academic  supports

                 are  important  services  that  should  be  provided  by  every  distance  education
                 institution.  Therefore,  students  who  need  consultation  service  or  academic

                 counseling  are  asked  to  contact  the  respective  Faculty.  Ideally,  in  every
                 faculty,  under the  coordination  of  Vice  Dean  of  Student  Affairs, there  should

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