Page 238 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 238

be  academic  staff who  are  always  prepared  to  serve  the  students  who  come
               directly  or  contact  UT  through  letters,  telephones,  facsimiles,  or  electronic

               mails.  By  establishing  the  PELMA  unit,  students  who  have  academic
               administration  cases  can  usually  be  assisted  faster  because  the  registration

               and  examination  data  processing  can  be  done  from  PELMA. The  prospective
               students  and  students  who  come  directly  to  the  PELMA  Office  for  getting  the

               information  needed  will  get  faster  services,  while  those  who  do  consultation
               face-to-face  and  cannot  be  taken  care  of  by  PELMA  are  suggested  to  contact

               directly relevant units, such  as  the  Faculty or  the  Post-graduate  Program .

              Student services in  Unit Pelma  at the  UT Headquarters .

               From  1999  staff  at  the  Distribution  Center  (now  Learning  Material  Service
               Center  or  so-called  Pus/aba)  are  not  assigned  anymore  at  PELMA  because

               Pus/aba  only  meets  demands  for  learning  materials  from  the  Regional

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