Page 242 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 242

•   Response  Forum  service
              Since  2004  UT  has  opened  a  response  forum  on  the  website  to  provide  the

              students  with  the  facility  to  communicate  with  each  other, or  with  tutors  and
              UT  administrators  (Prasetyo,  2006) .  This  service  attracts  many  students.

              They  can  discuss  or  just  talk  about  their  academic  problems  during  their
              studies  at  UT.  They  can  remind  each  other  of  the  last  date  of  registration,

              finding  a study mate, even  consulting  their examination  results  that do  not yet
              come  out,  or  other things  such  as  learning  materials.

           •  Academic administration services in  Regional  Office

                    The  same  as  at  the  UT  Headquarters, academic  administration  services
                are  also  provided  by  the  Regional  Office . They  include  registration  process

                and  learning  materials  purchases ,  while  other  academic  administration
                matters  such  as  marking  examination  process  and  transcript  request  cannot

                be  dealt by  the  Regional  Office. In  this  case, the  Regional  Office  has  to  let
                BAAPM  at  the  UT  Headquarters deal with  the  matters.

                    Registration  process  and  learning  materials  order  cannot  yet  be  done
                online  so  that  this  should  be  done  at  the  UT  Headquarters  through  the

                internet  or  floppy  disc  for  the  Regional  Office  in  which  internet  connection
                is  still  slow.

                    In  2000/2001  the  Regional  Offices  started  to  have  facilities  such  as
                student  record  display  and  transcript  printing  per  semester. Therefore,  from

                2001  the  students  do  not  necessarily  contact  the  UT  Headquarters  to  find
                out  their  examination  results  and  GPA  (grade  point  average) .  By  providing

                the  examination  results  at  the  Regional  Offices,  they  can  thus  give
                academic  counseling  to  the  students  in  the  form  of  information  on  courses

                they  have  to  re-take  and  their  GPAs.  However,  to  have  all  the  information
                about  grades,  students  and  the  Regional  Office  have  to  use  the  academic

                transcripts display available  on  the  UT  website  from  their own region .

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