Page 240 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 240

Therefore, PELMA  unit only  serves  students  who  come  directly or who  contact
               UT  by  telephone  or  electronic mail .
               At  the  beginning,  electronic  mail  addressed  to   pelma@p2m   is

               tackled  by  PELMA,  while  electronic  mail  addressed  to  is
               tackled  by  BAAPM .  From  2002 ,  both  addresses  are  joined  together  and

               tackled  by  BAAPM.  Then ,  in  2006  the  electronic  mail  was
               changed  into  Questions  addressed  to  the  Graduate

               Program  through  will  be  forwarded  to .
               From  2005  PELMA  is  under  the  coordination  of  BAA PM .  As  the  result,  the

               service  given  by  PELMA  is  emphasized  more  on  academic  adm inistration
               services  so  that all  the  functions  of academic  counseling  are  returned  to  each

               of the  respective  Faculties.
           •   Student Service  through  telephone, facsimile, and letters

              The  students  who  do  not  have  internet  facilities  in  their  areas  can  use
              telephone  as  a  means  of  fast  communication .  Although  it  is  expensive ,  this

              facility  is  effective  for  counseling  activities  because  they  can  put  their
               problems  forward.  One  weakness  is  that  many  callers  do  not  know  the  UT

              telephone  service  system  so  that  many  telephone  calls  come  to  PELMA  which
              are  supposed  to  come  into  other  units.  This  causes  losses  on  the  students'

              side, as  they  cannot  contact  PELMA  because  the  line is  too  busy.  If academic
              counseling  through  telephone  is  not  fully  given  by  PELMA,  it  will  be

              transferred  to  lecturers or academic  staff at  the  faculty  or  the  Post-Graduate
              Program .

              Communication  through  letters  is  easily  done  by  the  students  at  relatively
              small  cost.  However,  this  service  is  considered  to  be  less  effective  because

              too  much  time  needed  to  find  their  addresses. To  make  this easier,  all  their
              letters  sent  by  post  should  be  addressed  to  BAAPM  as  provider of information

              and  academic  administration  services  or  to  the  Dean  or  Director of Graduate

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