Page 226 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 226

achieving  the  ISO  9001:2000  certificate,  the  quality  management  system  should
           be  used  as  a trigger to  continually  improve  the  learning  material  services  to  the

           students ,  and  could  positively  bring  about  constructive  effects  for  overall
           development of UT.

           Conclu sion

                The  UT  management  system ,  including  registration,  distribution,  and

           evaluation  functions,  and  the  subsystem  of  learning  materials  and  examination,
           is  completely  under the  control  of  UT  because  they  are  handled  by  the  units  and

           human  resources  directly  controlled  by  UT.  However,  the  UT  cannot  totally
           control  the  learning  process  subsystem  performed  by  the  students. In  the  context

           of  distance  learning  which  requires  the  students'  independent  learning,  the
           students  are  autonomous  in  determining  and  conducting  their  own  activities  -

           starting  from  learning  the  materials,  working  on  assignments ,  solving  their
           learning  problems  and  difficulties,  forming  study  groups,  organizing  time  and
           places, and  selecting  the  learning  strategy  - by  referring  to  the  course  materials

           that  have  been  designed  and  specially  prepared  by  UT.   However,  learner

           independence  does  not  mean  that  UT  let the  students  face  their learning  process
           on  their  own.  The  UT  provides  assistance  and  learning  support  and  services

           needed  by  the  students,  such  as  various  modes  of  tutorials,  counseling,
           academic  guidance, and  giving evaluation feedback  to  the  students .

                In  accordance  with  the  UT  vision  2010  to  become  one  of  the  centers  of
           excellence  in  Asia  in  ~he  practice,  research,  development  and  information
           dissemination,  the  UT. continually  reengineer  and  improve  its  system  and

           subsystem  in  order  to  achieve  its  stated  vision.  The  reengineering  and

          improvement  of  the  quality  standards  have  been  established  and  maintained
          through  the  use  of  a  set  of  documented  manuals  and  procedures  through  the

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