Page 224 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 224

           improvement.  In  the  24 h  of February 2006,  a follow-up  audit was  conducted  and
           the  two  non-conformance  findings  and  some  other  findings  were  stated  as
           closed.   SAl  Global  concluded  that  the  Learning  Material  Services  Center

           (PUSLABA)  and  other  supporting  un its  had  implemented  quality  management
           system  as  required  by  the  standards  of  ISO  9001 :2000  and  recommended  to

           issue  the  Certificate  of  ISO  9001 :2000.  Finally, the  Certificate  of  ISO  9001 :2000
           was  handed  over  by  Country  Manager  of SAl  Global  to  the  Rector  of Universitas

           Terbuka  during  the  Opening  Ceremony  of  the  UT  National  Coordination  Meeting
           on  the  14 h  of March  2006.

           Future  Challenges  (2006-201 0)

                 Obtaining  the  certificate  of  ISO  9001 :2000  does  not  mean  that  all  problems

           of  course  material  services  can  be  overcome.  Continual  improvement  has  to  be
           done  in  accordance  with  the  stated  quality  target.  There  are  many  challenges  to

           be  faced . The  students  living  far from  the  Regional  Office  still  have  difficulties  in
           getting  the  course  materials  due  to  the  transportation  constraints. There  are  still

           students  who  cannot  have  their course  materials only  just before  the  examination
           period  because  the  stock has  been  running  out.  In  order to  cope  with  the  limited

           stock  of  the  course  materials,  the  procurement  of  the  course  materials  in  UT
           Headquarter and  Regional  Offices  must  be  planned  carefully. Improvement of the

           learning  material  service  system  must  be  done  continually,  starting  from  the
           writing  of  the  course  materials,  preparation  of  the  print-master,  to  reproduction

           and  distribution  of the  materials.  In  order  to  cope  with  transportation  constraints
           faced  by  the  students  living  far  from  the  Regional  Office  town, the  UT  has  been

           developing  course  material  sales  system  via  the  internet  (e-bookstore).  In  the
           future ,  the  UT  students  do  not  have  to  come  to  the  Regional  Office  to  buy  the

           course  materials,  but  they  can  also  order  the  materials  via  the  internet  and  the

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