Page 248 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 248

UT  services for  students  still  need  to  be  improved. The  services  need  to  be
            focused  on  continuous  academic  counseling  from  learning  plan  counseling

            (selection  of ·program  and  courses) , tutorials  for  those  who  need  it,  to  feedback
            on  learning  progress.  In  the  light  of  different  characteristics  between  post-
            graduate  programs  and  the  diploma  and  bachelor (Sarjana)  programs,  it is  a must

           for  each  Regional  Office  that  offers  the  post-graduate  program  to  assign  two  of
            its  staff to  handle  the  program .  Computer  network  facility  at  the  Regional  Office
           connected  to  the  UT  Headquarters  needs  to  be  given  priority  in  order  that

           student services  at the  Regional  Office  can  be  optimized.
                 Assessment  of  the  quality  of student  services  needs  to  be  done  in  order  to
           find  out  whether  the  services  available  are  suitable  for  the  students'  needs,  or

           they  can  be  given  immediately  and  accurately,  or  they  are  satisfied  with  the
           services  offered ,  etc.  The  UT  needs  to  conduct  research  in  tutorials  and

           academic  counseling.  The  research  is  aimed  at  finding  out  the  effectiveness  of
           every  kind  of  learning  support  for  the  students.  The  assessment  and  research
           results  will  become  effective  feedback  for  UT  to  improve  its  service  quality  for
           the  students  either  administrative  or  academic  services .  Concerning  the  post-

           graduate  program , the  student  services,  especially  when  they  want  to  write  their
           thesis,  need  to  be  improved.  Individual  supervision  between  the  supervisor  and

           the  student  at  the  time  of  writing  usually  creates  a  constraint  in  communication
           between  the  two  parties.

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