Page 254 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 254

Service  System

           The  better  the  services  to  students , the  more  students  register. As  an  example ,

           this  happened  in  1986  when  UT  tried  to  improve  its  services  to  the  students  by
           applying  three  registration  periods  in  one  year.  However,  because  the  facilities
           and  infrastructures could  not  support the  service  system , there  appeared  serious

           problems  so  that the  number of students decreased  in the  following  year.

           Cooperation  with  other Government Offices

           The  highest  number  of  registering  students  ever  recorded  was  356,581  in  the
           1995.2  registration  period .  Of  this  number,  251 ,435  of  them  (70%)  were  the

           students  of  D-11  PGSD  Program,  and  44.116  of  them  (12%) were  the  students  of
           D-Ill  PGSMP  Program . Until  2005  the  number  of students  of  D-11  PGSD  program

           was  696 .184,  S1  PGSD  program  was  40,223 ,  D-Ill  PTPL program  was  11 ,122,
           D-Ill  PGSMP  program  was  65.723  and  the  students  who  came  from  AI  Zaitun
           Muslim  School  was  5.816.  These  programs,  at  the  beginning ,  were  cooperative

           programs  with  other  government  offices.  Besides ,  there  were  still  many
           cooperation's  with  other  Government  Offices  such  as  PT  Garuda,  PT  Merpati,
           BRI , BNI , TNI ,  PT  ACS , and  Biro  Pusat Statistik.

           Changes  in  the  Amount of Tuition  Fee

                 The  increase  in  tuition  fee  brought  about  significant  impact  on  the  number

           of reg istering  students, although  after quite  a while  this  would  no  longer  become
           significant.  As  an  example,  the  number  of  new  reg istering  students  of  regular
           program  in  1999.2 registration  period  was  30,992 . After the  tuition  fee  increased

           from  6,000  rupiahs  per  semester  credit  unit  to  11 ,000  rupiahs  in  2000 ,  the
           number  of  new  registering  students  decreased  to    21,715  in  the  2000 .1

            The Government requires agriculture extension workers to hold at least a three year University
           Diploma (D-Ill).

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