Page 257 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 257

However,  this  system  has  made  difficulties  for  the  students  to  take  an
             academic  leave  for  several  semesters,  and  then  they  want  to  continue  their
             studies,  because  they  have  to  find  new  study  groups  for  tutoria ls.  Besides,  in
             this  system  proctoring  exam ination  becomes  more  difficult to  implement  because

             the  students  take  the  same  examination papers  in  the  same  examination  room.

             PGSMP  System

                  The  system  for  the  In-service  Secondary  Teacher  Education  Program
             (PGSMP)  established  by  UT  to  serve  students  of D-Ill  PGSMP  was  relatively  the
             same  as  the  PGSD  system .  However,  because  this  system  only  accepted

             particular  students  for  some  semesters, it  has  finally  been  incorporated  into  the
             regular system.

             PTPLB and  BKKBN9 Systems

                  The  system  for  the  Agricultural  Extension  Program  (PTPL)  was  establ ished
             for  students  of  D-Ill  PTPL  based  on  the  cooperation  between  UT  with  the

             Department  of  Agriculture.  The  system  for  the  National  Family  Planning
             Coordinating  Board  (BKKBN)  was  established  for  students  of  D-Ill  Extension
             Communication  Program  based  on  the  cooperation  between  UT  and  BKKBN. Both

             systems were  finally incorporated to  the  regular system  like the  PGSMP  system .
                  The  UT  operations  system  influences  the  number  of  students,  but  on  the

             contrary,  the  number  of  students  served  helps  determine  the  UT  operations
             system  used.  For  instance,  regular  system  will  not  be  effective  and  efficient  to
             implement  the  D-11  PGSD  Program  that  has  a  lot  of  students,  as  the  regular
             system  serves  students  individually,  while  the  PGSD  system  serves  students  in

             group,  so  that the  system  will  not be  effective if the  program  has  fewer students.

              Agriculture Extension Worker
              National Family Planning Board
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