Page 258 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 258

Beside  that,  the  UT  funding  source  was  about  80%  from  users  and  20%
           from  government, both  from  the  routine  budget  and  development  budget.  Almost

           all  funds  raised  from  the  users  comes  from  the  UT  own  students  in  the  form  of
           tuition  fees .  Considering  the  larger  proportion  of  budget  coming  from  the
           students,  drastic  decrease  in  student  numbers  will  have  significant impact on  UT

           operational  activities.  On  the  other  hand,  if  the  number  of  registering  students
           increases,  UT  will  have  more  flexibility in  allocating  the  fund  in  order to  meet  the
           needs  for  routine  expenses  as  well  as  development  activities.  The  increasing

           number  of  students  since  UT  was  esthabished  is  shown  in  Tble  16  in  the

           Al u mni

                Students  who  have  finished  their  studies  at  Study  Programs  will  be
           specified  as  graduates  (alumni).  The  process  of determining  graduates  is  carried

           out  through  the  procedures  below.
           •   Sorting  students qualified for receiving yudisium1o.

           •  The  process  of sorting  students  qualified  for  receiving  yudisium  is  conducted
              based  on  the  criteria which  have  been  determined  by  each  Study Program .

           •  Validation of qualified  students  receiving  yudisium.
           •  Validation  of qualified  students  receiving  yudisium  is done  by  academic  staff

              in  each  Study  Program .  Students  who  pass  the  validation  process  will  be
              stated  as  graduates  and  it is  formalized  by  the  Dean's Letter of Decision.
           •   Determination of graduates.

           •   Based  on  the  Dean's  Letter  of  Decision,  the  Rector  issues  the  Letter  of
              Decision  on  Determination  of  Graduates.  Finally  students  who  have  been

              stated  in  the  attachment  of  the  Rector's  Letter  of  Decision  can  be  called

            Yudisium is the process to determine whether a student is eligible to graduate or not based on the
           number of credit units slhe finishes.

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