Page 259 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 259

Up  to  the  end  of 2005,  UT  has  graduated  634.264  alumni ,  consisting  of  593,591

             graduates  of  Faculty  of Teacher  Training  and  Educational  Science  (FKIP},  8,443
             graduates  of  Faculty  of  Mathematics  and  Natural  Sciences  (FMIPA),  20,611
             graduates  of  Faculty  of Social  and  Political  Sciences  (FISIP},  11 ,253  graduates

             of  Faculty  of  Economics  (FEKON) ,  and  6  graduates  of  Master  Program  of  the
             Post-Graduate  Program . All  of the  graduate  data  is  registered  in the  database  of
             the  UT student record  system  (SRS).

             In  addition  to  that, UT  has  graduated  further  19,199  alumni , consisting  of  6.444
             graduates  of certificate  program  of  LP3B  FISIP,  3,211  graduates  of D-1 program
             of  FKIP,  8,027  graduates  of  D-11  program  of  FKIP,  and  1,517  graduates  of Akta

             IV  program  of  FKIP.  For  this  particular  group  of  graduates,  the  number  is  noted
             but  the  personal  data  is  not  recorded  because  the  graduate  determination

             process was  done  manually.

             Activities  of Universitas  Terbuka  Alumni

             Association  (IKA-UT)

                   The  following  illustrates  some  activities  which  have  been  conducted  by  the
             UT  National Alumni  Association (lkatan Alumni UT or  IKA-UT)  from  2001  - 2006.

             2001  period

                   In  this  year  IKA-UT  at  central  level  carried  out  some  activities  as  the

             •   Publishing a book  about the  result of National  Conference and  distributing the
                 books  to  the  Chiefs  of  Regional  Alumni  Association  (IKA-UT)  and  the  Heads

                 of UT  Regional  Offices  all  over  Indonesia,  except for  Aceh,  East  Timor,  Irian
                 Jaya, and  Ambon.

             •  Attending  public  lectures  in  the  UT  Headquarters with  the  theme  "Competition
                 in  the  World  of Work in  AFTA",  by  Prof. Dr. Ermaya  Suradinata,  M.Si .

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