Page 264 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 264

Development  of

            Universitas  T:erbuka ' s

            Regional  Offices

            ASNAH  SAID

            Introdu ctio n

                 This  chapter  was  based  on  articles  written  by  some  of  Heads  of  Regional

            Offices ,  references,  and  Letters  of  Decision  (Surat  Keputusan  or  SK  for  short)
            available  at  UT's  Head  Office.  In  addition, this  article  was  also  written  based  on
            a  discussion  and  in-depth  interview  with  the  first  Rector  of  UT,  Dr.  Setijadi

            (2006),  who  had  given  many  important  inputs.  The  content  of  this  article  was

            selected  based  on  substantial  information  related  to  the  progress  of  UT's
            Regional  Offices.  In  general ,  Regional  Offices  share  some  similar  concepts,
            albeit some  regional  differences.

                 The  preliminary  draft  of  this  article  had  been  sent  back  to  all  Heads  of
            Regional  office  to  get  feedback  and  more  accurate  and  complete  data. Heads  or

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