Page 265 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 265

Regional  Offices  in  Surabaya,  Surakarta,  Palembang,  Bogor,  Denpasar,  Ambon

            and  Batam  gave  favorable  response  and  significant  input  to  sharpen  up  the
             preliminary draft.

             Devel9pment of Regional  offices  and
             UT's  Policy

             Deciding  on  the  name  of Regional  offices

                  If  Universitas  Terbuka  {UT)  had  been  established  based  on  Indonesian
            constitution ,  there  would  have  not  been  any  problem  with  decision  on  concept,
             structure  of  organization ,  and  names.  Sukhothai  Thamthirat  Open  University

            (STOU)  and  United  Kingdom  Open  University  (UKOU)  were  both  established

            based  on  constitution .  With  the  highest  laws  in  the  hierarchy,  the  conceivers  of
            both  universities  found  no  difficulties  in  making  the  concept  of  distance
            education  into  reality.  This  was  not  the  case  of  Indonesia  because  establishment

             of  a  university  was  based  on  the  Presidential  Decree.  There  are  three  higher

            laws  above  presidential  decree:  national  constitution ,  laws,  and  government
            regulation.  The  position of existing  People's General  Assembly's decision  is  even
            higher,  but  it  is  not  relevant  because  it  is  not  concerned  with  higher  education

            implementation.  Unfortunately, in  1982, when  the  concept  of  UT  was  formulated ,

            there  were  no  particular  laws  and  regulations  that  suggest  open  or  distance
            higher  education.  Consequently,  UT  was  regarded  as  a  normal  university  which
            should  act  upon  regulations  specified  in  Government  Regulation  on  Higher

                  Fortunately,  both  UT's  academic  conceivers  and  the  presidential  decree

            agreed  upon  establishment  of  units  in  regions  to  help  UT  Head  Office  provide

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