Page 266 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 266

services  to  remote  areas  in  the  country,  even  though  these  units  were  not
           specified  in  the  government  regulation . Therefore,  a gap  should  be  found  in  the
           regulation  in  order  to  establish  units  in  regions.  Eventually,  it  was  agreed  that

           UT's  regional  units  were  equivalent  to  Technical  Implementation  Units  (Unit

           Pelaksana  Teknis- UPT for short) .
                Discussions  were  then  directed  toward  the  units'  functions ,  their  levels  in
           bureaucracy  (echelon),  and  their  proper  name.  It  was  agreed  that  the  main  task

           of those  units  was  to  implement  regulations  and  policies  formulated  by  UT  Head
           Office .

                The  name  of the  units  should  be  the  same  with  the  common  name  used  for
           UPT, that  is, "unit". The  term  "center" or  "institution" could  not  be  used  because

           those  terms  were  for  higher  level  of bureaucracy.  A Head  of a center  is  echelon

           2,  and  a  Head  of  institution  is  echelon  1 b.  The  term  "branch  office"  or
           "representative" could  not  be  used  either because  the  term  "branch" denotes  part
           of  a  university.  So,  the  agreed  name  was  Unit  Program  Be/ajar  Jarak  Jauh  or

           UPBJJ for short.
                So, the  term  "UPBJJ" was  decided  according  to  bureaucratic  organizational

           structure,  not  according  to  UT's  academic  needs.  In  UT's  academic  concepts ,
           UPBJJs  should  not  be  techn ical  implementation  units  only,  but  also  function  as

           Learning  Resource  Un its  (Unit  Sumber  Be/ajar  - USB).  USB  means  more  than
           mere  implementation  of decisions. USB  is  center for  academic  and  administrative

           services  which  can  help  students  solve  their  academic  and  adm inistrative
           problems . Its  academic domain  should  be  wider because  it is  a students' learning

           resource  that  provides  library  service,  tutorial,  counseling ,  internet,  and  of
           course , academic  administration  services.

                Changing  the  term  UPBJJ  into  USB  had  never  succeeded  because  it  was
           not  accommodated  in  Government  Regulation  on  Higher  Education.  But  the

           concept  of  USB  continued  to  develop  even  though  the  name  used  was  still

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