Page 269 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 269

The  national workshop  for the  preparation  of the  management of UPBJJ,  August  1984

             Selecting  Supervisors  for  UPBJJ

                  Before  UT  was  established  in  1984,  a  meeting  of  rectors  from  all  over
             Indonesia  was  held , and  the  Minister of Education  and  Culture  requested  that  all
             rectors  of  state  un iversities  help  UT  develop  UPBJJ  by  provid ing  the  fa cilities

             needed ,  especially  office  buildings  and  staffs.  The  request  for  UT's  UPBJJ

             supervisors  was  expressed  by  Prof.  Setijadi  (2006) ,  which  was  accepted  and
             formally  realized  in  the  Decree  of  Minister  of  Education  and  Culture  No.
             0389/0 /1984  on  Organization  and  Work  System .  Chapter  101 ,  article  2,  in  the

             decree  specified  that  UPBJJ  supervision  was  technically done  by  rectors  of  local
             state  universities/institutes.  So,  all  rectors  of  state  universities  helped  UT  to

             develop  UPBJJ  by  providing  supervisors.  For  that  purpose,  th e  Minister  of
             Education  and  Culture  issued  Ministerial Decree  No. 0443/P/1986  on  Supervisors

             for  UPBJJ  (Annex  3) .  The  decree  was  appl icable  since  the  date  of  issuance  (7
             July  1986)  and  was  retroactive  to  18  October  1984 for all  UPBJJs  except  UPPBJ-

             Bogor, which  was  retroactive  to  7 June  1985, and  UPBJJ-Purwokerto, which  was
             retroactive  to  7 June  1985.

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