Page 268 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 268

or  provision  of  learning  materials,  which  all  could  be  done  in  several  days.
            Therefore, students' learning  process  could  be  started  immediately.
                 Afterward , decentralization  of other  authorities  followed,  so  in  2005  UPBJJ

            developed  into  almost-perfect  USB .  To  change  UPBJJ  into  perfect  USB,  some

            computers  are  needed  so  that  students  can  use  them  for  administrative  and
            learning  purposes . With  online  computers, access  to  electronic tutorials , services
            of  registration,  examinations,  academic  administration ,  information,  and  other

            services  can  be  developed  at  UPBJJs .  With  the  availability  of  online  facilities ,
            the  distance  will  no  longer  be  a  constraint,  assuming  that  UT's  students  have

            access  to  internet.  It  is  expected  that  an  online  system  can  gradually  change
            UPBJJs  into  perfect USBs , so  that all services  can  be  provided .

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