Page 272 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 272

In  some  circumstances,  UT  has  to  make  a quick  decision.  The  decision  is
            made  in  a  more  participative  way.  This  concept  needs  open  and  harmonious

            cooperation  to  make  it  transparent. The  concept  is  decided  together  in  a serious
            discussion  by  leaders  at  the  Head  Office  and  Heads  of  UPBJJ.  The  concept  is

            formulated  according  to  UT's  basic structure  and  its operational  system .
                 The  future  operational  system  is  more  flexible  than  the  previous  one,  even

            though  its  implementation  is  sometimes  more  difficult  than  the  previous  one.
            Registration  and  distribution  of  learning  materials,  which  were  the  problems

            faced  in  the  previous  system,  will  be  handled  by  UPBJJ  in  the  future.  By
            changing  the  service  system  into  decentralized  form , registration  and  distribution

            of learning  materials can  be  done  in  a short time .
                 The  basic  concept  and  policy  of  USB  will  be  applied  to  UPBJJ.  Some

            policies  about  USB  to  be  applied  to  UPBJJ  are  as  follow:  UPBJJ  can  develop  its
            own  units  independently without help from  Head  Office  by  making  use  of facilities

            available  in  the  region . To  carry  out  its  tasks , UPBJJ  can  have  technical  support
            facilities  for  the  implementation  of  education  and  learn ing ,  research ,  and

            community  service,  such  as  laboratory/studio  and  library.  UPBJJ  can  set  up
            student  learning  centers  or  expands  its  operational  areas  to  make  it  easy  to

            provide  services to  students . UPBJJ  will  be  granted  autonomy  to  manage  student
            in  an  area  with  the  fund  provided  by  UT  Head  Office. The  budget  for  UPBJJ  will

            be  based  on  number of students  and  problems  of communication  in  the  region. At
            the  beginning  of  each  semester,  admission  will  be  done  in  form  of  study

            orientation  at  UPBJJ.  Final  examination  and  Final  Assignment  will  be  done
            strictly  and  under  coord ination  of  UPBJJ.  Administration  process  will  be

            delegated  to  UPBJJ. Afterward , UT  Head  Office will  record  and  process  student's
            data  based  on  UPBJJ's  report.  Learning  materials  will  be  sold  at  UPBJJs ,

            bookshops,  post offices, and  other places.

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