Page 276 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 276

Surabaya.  This  decision  was  specified  in  UT  Rector's  Letter  of  Decision  No.
          100/PT45/1992  on  24  August  1992.  Since  then,  UPBJJ  of  Jember,  Malang  and

          Surabaya  have  management  areas  as  specified  in  the  Letter of Decision .
                At  the  beginning  of  UT's  establishment,  Palembang  had  2  cities  and  8

          districts,  including  Bangka  Belitung.  Due  to  the  implementation  of  regional
          autonomy,  in  2002  Bangka  Belitung  became  a new  province.  In  order  to  improve

          quality  of  services  to  students  in  the  region ,  areas  of  management  had  to  be
          expanded.  UPBJJ  Palembang's  area  had  to  be  reorganized  for  the  sake  of

          equality  of  areas  for  each  UPBJJ.  Through  Rector's  Letter  of  Decision  No.
          176/J31/KEP/2002,  UPBJJ  Pangkal  Pinang was  established  in  2002.

                Several  years  later,  in  order  to  improve  quality  of  services  to  students  in
          the  regions,  equal  distribution  of  working  areas  had  to  be  made  for  UPBJJ,  so

          the  existing  areas  had  to  be  reorganized . Through  Rector's Letter of Decision  No.
          691/J31/KEP/2005  on  11  July  2005,  working  areas  for  UPBJJ  Palembang  and

          UPBJJ  Pangkal  Pinang  were  reorganized.  Areas  of UPBJJ  Palembang  include city
          of Palembang,  districts of Ogan  Komering  Ulu, Ogan  Komering  Ulu  Selatan,  Ogan

          Komering  Ulu  Timur,  Ogan  Komering  llir,  kabupaten  Ogan  llir,  Musi  Banyuasin,
          Banyuasin , Lahat, city of  Pagaralam, Musi Rawas  district, city  of Lubuk  Linggau,
          Muara  Enim  district,  and  city  of  Prabumulih .  Areas  of  UPBJJ  Pangkal  Pinang

          include  districts  of  Bangka  lnduk,  Bangka  Barat,  Bangka  Selatan,  Bangka

          Tengah , Pangkalpinang , Belitung  lnduk, and  Belitung Timur.
                From  1984  to  1994,  areas  of  UPBJJ  Manado  included  6  districts  and  2
          municipalities  and  1  administrative  town .  Following  the  opening  of  land

          transportation  to  Luwuk-Banggai,  its  service  areas  had  to  be  changed .  Luwuk-

          Banggai  district was  shifted  to  UPBJJ  Palu .  In  2001 , student  services  in  district
          and  city of Gorontalo were  transferred to  a new  UPBJJ, namely  UPBJJ  Gorontalo.
          UPBJJ  Gorontalo  was  established  based  on  Rector's  Letter  of  Decision  No.


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