Page 278 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 278

Kuningan ,  Garut  Tasikmalaya, city  of Tasikmalaya, district  of  Ciamis, and  city of
           Banjar.  The  service  areas  of UPBJJ  Bogor  include  districts of Bogar, Sukabumi,

           Cianjur,  city  of  Bogar,  Sukabumi  and  Depok;  while  the  service  areas  of  UPBJJ
           Serang  include  districts  of  Serang,  Pandeglang ,  Lebak,  Tangeran·g,  cities  of

           Tangerang  and  Cilegon.
                Based  on  the  amendment  of Law  No.  6 of  2000  and  amendment  of  Law  No

           46  of  1999,  the  province  of  North  Maluku  was  established .  With  the
           establishment  of North  Maluku  province  and  the  application  of reg ional  autonomy

           since  1  January  2001 ,  UPBJJ  Ambon  found  difficulties  to  operate  in  North
           Maluku.  Therefore, the  service  areas  of UBPJJ  Ambon  had  to  be  reorgan ized .  In

           the  meeting  between  Vice  Rector  IV  and  Head  of  General  Administration  and
           Finance  Bureau  with  Governor  of  Maluku  on  27  August  2003,  it  was  decided  to

           establish  UPBJJ Ternate. For  that purpose, UT  issued  Rector's Letter of Decision
           No. 478/J31 /KEP/2003  on  2 December  2003  on  establishment  of  UPBJJ  Ternate,

           with  the  address  at  Jalan  Sultan  Khairun  No  1,  Kelurahan  Makassar,  Ternate,
           Maluku  Utara. Next, UT  issued  Rector's Letter of Decision  No.  687/J31 /KEP/20.05

           on  division  of service areas  of UPBJJ Ambon  and  Ternate.
                 The  service  areas  of  UPBJJ  Ambon  include  districts  of  Maluku  Tenggara,

           Maluku  Tenggara  Barat,  Pulau-pulau  Aru,  Maluku  Tengah ,  Pulau  Buru ,  Seram
           bagian  Barat, Seram  Bagian  Timur, and  city  of Ambon; while  the  service  areas  of

           UPBJJ  Ternate  include  districts  of  Halmahera  Timur,  Halmahera  Tengah ,
           Halmahera  Selatan,  Halmahera  Utara ,  Halmahera  Barat,  Sula  islands,  city  of

           Ternate, and  Tidore  Kepulauan.
                The  service  areas  of  UPBJJ  Pekanbaru  ha.d  to  be  reorganized  also.  UT

           Rector  decided  to  establ ish  UPBJJ  Batam  whose  area  previously  belonged  to
           UPBJJ  Pekanbaru .  The  decision  was  formalized  through  Rector's  Letter  of
           Decision  No.  043/J31 /KEP/2005 .  The  service  areas  of  UPBJJ  Pekanbaru  and

           Batam    were    formal ized   through   Rector's   Letter   of   Decision   No.

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