Page 281 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 281

focuses:  (1)  Improvement  of  Academic  Quality,  (2)  Improvement  of  Student

             Participation ,  and  (3)  Improvement  of  Internal  Management.  As  implementing
             units, UPBJJs  have  the  following  main  tasks  and  functions:  ·

             Academic  Quality  Improvement

             1}  Managing  Learning  Materials and  Supporting  Materials

                  The  main  tasks  and  functions  of  UPBJJs  include  management  of  the

             distribution  of  learning  materials  and  other  supporting  materials,  from  prediction
             of  demands  for  each  semester  based  on  trend  of  number  of  students  to

             submission  of  revenues  the  sales  of  learning  materials  and  other  supporting
             materials.  UPBJJs  are  responsible  for  providing  learning  materials  and  other

             supporting  materials  to  be  sold  and  distributed  to  the  students.  The  learning
             materials  and  other  supporting  materials  managed  by  UPBJJs  include  printed

             learning  materials  (such  as  main  textbooks,  supplementary  books,  practice
             manuals,  and  references)  and  non-printed  materials  (include  audio  and  video

             recordings,  computer-assisted  learning  materials  in  diskettes,  COs,  or

                  UPBJJs  use  computers  to  maintain  the  accuracy  of  data  of  the  learning
             materials  and  their  supporting  materials,  and  also  its  financial  administration.

             They  make  sales  reports  of  learning  materials  and  other  supporting  materials
             each  month.  UT  Head  Office  checks  the  accuracy  of  the  reports  by  keeping

             records  of materials  each  year. With  regard  to  facilities, a handful  of UPBJJs  are
             still  without  adequate  storeroom.  From  time  to  time,  UT  strives  to  perfect  the

             storeroom  for  learning  materials  and  other supporting  materials.

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