Page 286 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 286

4)  Examination Administration

           Examination  in  UPBJJ  Bogor

                 The  implementation  of  examination  carried  out  by  UPBJJ  Jakarta,  Bogar
           and  Denpasar  was  the  models  of  best  practices  among  the  existing  36  UPBJJs
           (Rakornas  2006) .  However,  examinations  administered  by  other  UPBJJs  were

           good  and  suited  the  local  condition. The  picture  below  shows  the  implementation

           of examination  at  UPBJJ  Bogar.
                 Examinations  are  carried  out  in  every  capital  of district/city.  If the  number

           of  the  students  in  a  district/city  is  too  small ,  the  students  should  take  the
           examination  in  another  district/city  together  with  other  students.  After

           registration  has  been  closed ,  UPBJJs  - in  cooperation  with  District  Office  of
           Education  - decides  the  locations  for  examinations  and  the  invigilators.  The
           invigilators are  selected  from  schools  and  universities  where  the  exams  are  to  be

           administered  in  cooperation  with  Office  of  Education.  Two  weeks  before  the

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