Page 291 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 291

Melalui UPBJJ Gorontalo,  Gubernur Gorontalo dan  Rektor UT mengadakan kerja
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                   Based  on  the  experience  gained  by  UPBJJ  Bandung  in  cooperating  with

              other  institutions,  there  are  two  indicators  of  achievement:  timely  provision  of
              learning  materials and  implementation  of tutorials that caters for  students' needs.

              Out  of  existing  37  UPBJJs,  UPBJJ  Mataram,  Bandung,  and  Palembang  are  the
              best  practices  in  partnership  and  cooperation  (Rakornas  2006) .  Apart  from  two

              indicators,  partnership  should  be  developed  by  mainstreaming  quality  of
              academic  programs, quality of services,  expansion  of service  areas, improvement

             of student participation , and  improvement of human  resources  quality.
                   In  order  to  promote  programs  offered  by  UT, UPBJJs  carry  out  promotion  to

             districts  in  cooperation  with  Education  Office  and  local  government.  Current
             cooperation  have  been  with  state  and  private  universities,  especially  in  providing

             tutors  and  academic  counselors,  module  writers  and  item  writers,  and  item

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