Page 294 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 294

3)  Development of UT's Students  per  UPBJJ  from  1984 to  2006

                Development  of Pendas  and  Non-Pendas  students  per  UPBJJ  can  be  found
           in  Annex  4.

           Improvement of  Internal  Management

           1)  National  Coordination  Meeting  (Rakornas)
                The  Development  and  improvement  of  internal  management  are  the  key

           factor  for successful  UT's  programs. A Big number  of UPBJJs  and  their image  as
           an  internationally-recognized  distance  higher  education  institution  require

           effective  coordination.  One  way  for  effective  coordination  between  units  at  UT
           Head  Office  with  UPBJJs  is  to  hold  routine  National  Coordination  Meeting

           (Rakornas) .  Since  UT's  establishment  in  1984,  Rakornas  has  been  held  every
           year, attended  by  all  unit leaders of UT  Head  Office  (echelon  I, II  and  Ill), Heads

           of  UPBJJ, Coordinators  and  Heads  of  Administration  Sub-Unit  of  UPBJJ  from  all
           over  Indonesia,  Head  of  Directorate  General  of  Improvement  of  Teachers  and

           Educational  Staff (Ditjen  Peningkatan  Mutu  Pendidik  dan  Tenaga  Kependidikan)
           of the  Ministry of Education.

                The  purpose  of  Rakornas  is  to  perfect  UT  management  system  in  order  to
           support  essential  services  for  students.  In  the  meeting,  participants  can  share

           the  same  perception,  express  their  concerns  about  problems,  share  information
           and  learn  from  each  other.  In  addition,  Rakornas  is  a  means  of  coordination,

           integration  and  synchronization  of main  tasks  and  functions  (Tupoksi)  and  Action
           Plans .  One  Rakornas'  theme  related  to  UPBJJs  was  the  one  held  in  2005:

           "Improvement  of  Quality  Standard  of  UT's  Services  through  Restructuring  and
           Revitalization  of  UPBJJ  toward  International  Accreditation".  Meanwhile,  the

          purpose  of Rakornas  in  2006  was  to  improve  quality of coordination  between  the

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