Page 292 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
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markers.  In  addition  to  that,  UPBJJs  also  disseminate  information  about  UT  to
           the  community  through  Q-Channel ,  TV-Edukasi,  TVRI  and  local  radio  stations.

           Cooperation  with  BRI  is  done  for  payment  of  tuition  fees ,  learning  materials ,
           registration ,  credit  transfer,  and  transcripts.  Cooperation  with  PT  Pos  is  for

           distribution  of  exam  materials  and  other  materials .  UT  also  cooperates  with
           Provincial  governments ,  Department  of  Agriculture,  BKKBN ,  TNI ,  Department  of

           Religious Affairs, and  other departments.
                UPBJJs  have  made  some  initiatives  to  promote  UT,  such  as  sending

           brochures  to  high  schools  and  related  institutions, and  promotion  in  mass  media.
           In  student  activities,  UPBJJs  have  been  functioning  as  facilitators  for  co-

           curricular  and  extra-curricular  so  that  students  can  participate  in  intellectual
           activities ,  such  as  discussion,  seminars,  and  scientific  competitions.  Other

           student  activities,  such  as  Study  Orientation,  have  been  done  at  almost  all
           UPBJJs .  UPBJJ  Yogyakarta  is  the  initiator  and  the  first  organ izer  of  Pekan

           Disporseni.  The  first  Disporseni  took  place  in  Kaliurang  in  1991  and  UPBJJ
           Yogyakarta  was  the  winner. In  1996, Disporseni was  held  at  UPBJJ  Bandung , and

           in  2002  at  UPBJJ  Surabaya  for  Java,  Bali ,  Nusa  Tenggara ,  and  Kalimantan
           regions .  The  next  Disporseni  took  place  from  2-6  August  2005  at  UPBJJ
           Pontianak for·Central  Region , in  which  16  UPBJJs  took  part.

                National  Student  Week  (Pekan  Mahasiswa  Nasional- PIMNAS)  2005  taking

           place  at  Universitas  Andalas,  Padang,  from  12-15  July  2005  was  also  attended
           by  UT's  students.    Five  UT's  students  participated  in  scientific  writing

           competition . The  winner  of this  competition  would  join  the  national  competition  in

                The  pictures  below  show  the  situation  during  Disporseni  at  UPBJJ

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