Page 297 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 297

Apart  from  that,  UT  is  now  preparing  for  ISO  Certificate  9001-2000  for

             management  development  in  11  UPBJJs  (Jakarta ,  Bogor,  Bandung ,  Semarang ,
             Purwokerto,  Yogyakarta ,  Surabaya,  Malang,       Palembang ,   Padang ,  dan

             Pontianak),  with  the  purpose  to  assure  management  quality  in  implementing  its
             activities.  In  2006,  UT  started  to  apply  Good  Corporate  Governance  into  Era  of

             Global  Competition.  Basically,  UT  is  striving  for  perfect  implementation  of
             education  system  and  improvement  of service  qual ity. Rakornas  UT  in  2006  also

             facil itated  a chance  to  share  opinions  about best  practices  among  UPBJJs  to  get
             ISO  in  UPBJJ  management.  UPBJJ  quality  assurance  is  concerned  with  aspects

             of   tutorial   implementation,  examinations,   student   recru itment,  general
             management, and  cooperation .

                   From  1984 to  2006, Rakornas  had  been  done  once  a year. One  of activities
             during  Rakornas  2003  was  assessment  and  award-giving  for  UPBJJ  performance
             during  the  previous  year. Starting  from  Rakornas  in  2003, assessment  of  UPBJJ

             performance  was  conducted .  The  assessment  was  done  to  31  UPBJJs.  UPBJJ

             Gorontalo  and  Pangkal  Pinang  were  not  included  in  the  assessment  because
             their  existence  had  not  been  one  year. The  Assessment  Team  chose  three  best
             UPBJJs ,  namely  UPBJJ  Bandung,  Bogor,  and  Padang .  In  Rakornas  2004,  the

             Assessment  Team  chose  three  best  UPBJJs :  UPBJJ  Gorontalo,  Pontianak,  and

             Bandung .  In  Rakornas  2005 ,  the  Assessment  Team  chose  three  best  UPBJJs:
             UPBJJ  Surabaya, Semarang, and  Palembang .

                   Tables  1  and  2  below  present  first-,  second-,  and  third-rank  UPBJJs  in

             2902 , 2003 , and  2004, based  on  the  assessment of Assessment  Team  announced
             in  Rakornas  2003, 2004, and  2005 .

   292   293   294   295   296   297   298   299   300   301   302