Page 299 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 299

Table 3.  List of UPBJJ- UT with outstanding achievement in  2005 (Tim Penilaian Rankornas 2006) ..

                                                 Categ_o_!Y      Winner       UPBJJ
                                                    General         I        Palemba1!9_
                                                                    II        Bandung
                                                                    Ill        BQ_g_or
                                                                 Harapan I    Jakarta
                                                                Harapan II    Surabaya
                                                                Harapan Ill   Semarang

                                  Winner     UPBJJ        Category      Winner      UPBJJ
                                     I       Mataram         Tutorial      I       BellQ_kulu
                                     II      Bandun                        II       Jakarta
                                    Ill     Palemban                      Ill     Ba~armasin

                                  Winner                  Category      Winner      UPBJJ
                                    I                      Examination     I        Jakarta
                                    II                                     II        Bogor
                                    Ill     Surakarta                     Ill      DenQasar
                                          Source  : Panitia  Rakornas  2006

             2)  Development  and  Variations  of UT's  Structure  of Organization

                   UT's  organizational  structure  was  formed  based  on  Government  Regu lation
             (PP) , Presidential  Decree  (Keppres),  and  Ministerial  Decree  (Kepmen)  on  higher

             education.  Not  all  of  them  are  entirely suitable  to  organizational  structure  needed
             for  a  distance  hig her  education  institution .  Therefore,  to  get  an  effective  and

             efficient  UT's  organizational  structure ,  PP,  Keppres  and  Kepmen  for  UT's
             organization  should  be  supplemented  by  Rector's  Letters  of  Decision  on
             necessary  additional  units  at  UT.  Regulations  on  UT's  Organizational  Structure

             should  be  simpler  yet  have  strong  legal  bases  and  suitable  to  UT's  needs.  In

             November  2001 ,  UT  set  up  a  team  to  make  a  better  organizational  structure
             which  cou ld be  applicable to  UT  as  a distance higher education  institution. A new
             structure was  proposed  to  be  approved  by  the  government.

                   Below  is  the  description  of  development  of  UPBJJ's  organizational

             structure . There  have  been  three  changes  since  1984.

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