Page 303 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 303

the  treasurers  are  responsible  to  the  Head  of UPBJJ  Surabaya. The  coordinators,

             secretaries  and  treasurers  have  to  attend  special  meeting  with  Coordinator  of
             UPBJJ  in Surabaya  twice  a month. In  the  two  meetings, they  report  the  activities

             implemented  in  their  areas.  To  help  the  Head  of  UPBJJ  in  techn ical  works,  an
             Assistant  to  the  Head  of  UPBBJ  was  appointed .  UPBJJ  Bandung  and  Surabaya

             also  place  their  staff  in  extended  areas  to  provide  services  to  students  living  in
             some  districts and  sub-districts.

                  UPBJJ's  organizational  structure  from  1995  to  2002  consisted  of  Head  of
             UPBJJ,  Coordinator  of  General  Adm inistration  and  Public  Relation,  Registration

             Coordinator,  Examination  Coordinator,  and  Student  Coordinator,  as  seen  in  the
             following  chart.

                                    REKTORPTN   ~ -               I
                                     PEMBINA          REKTORUT
                                                       UPBJJ - UT

                                  I                               I                I
                             KOORD.       -     KOORD.         KOORD.     -      KOORD.
                        ADM. UMUM & HUMAS     REGISTRASI      PENGUJIAN       KEMAHASISWAAN


                                 Organizational Structure  of  UPBJJ  in  1994-2004

                  Since  2004,  the  applicable  regulation  has  been  the  Minister  of  National

             Education  Decree  No.  123/0 /2004  issued  on  6  October  2004  on  Universitas
             Terbuka's  Organization  and  Work  System .  Thanks  to  the  new  Law  of  Education

             System  (2003) ,  which  explicitly  mentions  distance  education ,  UT's  overall

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