Page 304 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 304

structure  of  organization ,  including  that  of  UPBJJ,  can  be  different  from
           conventional  universities'.  Since  2004  UPBJJ's  organizational  structure  has

           consisted  of  Head  of  UPBJJ, Head  of  Sub-Unit  of Adm inistration , Coordinator  of
           Registration  and  Examination,  and  Coordinator  of  Learning  Materials  and

           Learning  Supports.  Based  on  the  ministerial  decree  above ,  UPBJJ's structure  of
           organization  is  now  as  follow:

                            REKTORPTN                    I
                             PEMBINA   t- -   REKTOR UT
                                              UPBJJ -UT


                                 I                                 I
                              KOORD.                          KOORD. BANTUAN
                            REGISTRASI    ------ -----       BELAJAR &LAYANAN
                            & PENGUJIAN                         BAHAN AJAR

                                 I                                 I

                                                STAF    I

                              Organizational  Structure of UPBJJ in  2004 - Today

           Names  of  Heads  of UPBJJ  since  1984 can  be  found  in  Annex  5.

           3)  Development of  Human  Resource

                At  the  beginning  of UT's  establishment  in 1984, almost all  UPBJJs  received
           human  resources  support  from  partner  universities.  Some  staffs  from  partner

           universities  were  on  loan  at  UPBJJs , from  Head  of  UPBJJ  to  staff. UPBJJ  did  not
           directly  recruit  people ,  except  UPBJJ  Bogor,  which  did  not  rece ive  human

           resources  assistance  from  partner  universities,  as  UPBJJ  Bogor  was  supervised

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