Page 309 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 309

Perencanaan  Pembanqunqan  Nasional  UGM  (P4N-UGM).           In  1990,  UPBBJ

              Yogyakarta  was  given  a new  and  more  strategic  building , that  is, former  campus
              of Teknik  Elektro  UGM.  This  was  a two-story building , and  UPBJJ  was  on  the  first

              floor.  When  UGM  was  transformed  to  State-Owned  Legal  Body  (Badan  Usaha
              Milik  Negara) ,  UGM  had  made  optimal  use  of  their  resources,  including  the

              building  occupied  by  UPBJJ  Yogyakarta.  In  October  2000,  UPBBJ  Yogyakarta
              had  to  move  to  a  new  address:  Jalan  Asam  Kranji  SEKIP  K7  Yogyakarta.  Since

              its  establishment  in  1984,  UPBJJ  Yogyakarta  had  been  exempted  from  paying  all
              bills  (water  and  electricity)  and  land  taxes .  But  after  it  moved  to  Jalan  Asam

              Kranji,  UPBJJ  Yogyakarta  had  to  be  more  independent  and  paid  its  own  rent,
              electricity  and  water  bills,  and  other  expenses .  Since  then,  UPBJJ  Yogyakarta

              had  been  trying  to  use  the  premises  at  SMA  11  Yogyakarta  by  approaching
             related  institution,  and  it  had  not  been  successful.  The  effort  to  have  its  own

             office  building  continued.  Universitas  Negeri  Yogyakarta  (UNY)  was  approached
             in  order  for  UPBJJ  Yogyakarta  to  use  the  former  SPG  and  SGO  buildings.  The

              effort  was  successful.  On  16  February  2005,  a  memorandum  of  understanding
             between  UNY  Rector  and  UT  rector  was  signed.  On  15  September  2004,  the

             development  of  UPBBJ  Yogyakarta  office  building  commenced  and  it  was  then
             officially  open  by  Sri  Paku  Alam  XII  (on  behalf  of  Sri  Sultan  Hamengkubuwono)

             on  4 June  2005.  So,  UPBJJ  Yogyakarta's  struggle  to  have  its  own  building  came
             to  fruition after 20  years.
                   UPBJJ  Surabaya  has  a  different  experience.  At  the  beginning ,  UPBJJ  had

             an  office  in  a building  lent  by  Dean  of Economy  Faculty  of Universitas  Airlangga

              (UNAIR)  at  campus  B.  From  1985-1988,  UNAIR  lent  part  of  Pusat  llmiah  dan
             Pembangunan  Regional's  (PIPR)  building  to  UPBJJ  Surabaya.  In  1989,  UPBJJ
             Surabaya  moved  to  Jalan  Kapasari  No.  3  Surabaya.  This  time  UPBJJ  Surabaya

             occupied  a former  Chinese  school.  UPBJJ  Surabaya  was  there  until  early  2001 .

             Before  that,  in  1997,  UPBJJ  Surabaya  was  offered  a  2015  square  meters  land

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