Page 311 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 311

355/PT.5.H.18/D/1995. The  800  square  meters  building  was  24  years  of age  and

               was  once  renovated  in  2005 .
                    UPBBJ  Ambon  has  a different  story.  In  1984,  UPBJJ  Ambon  was  located  at

               Campus  UNPATTI  Poka .  After  the  campus  and  UPBJJ  Ambon  office  caught  fire
               on  June  2000,  UPBJJ  Ambon  used  two  alternative  offices:  either  at  SO  Negeri  I

               Tanah  Tinggi, with  Christian  staff, or  one  at  PGSD  UNPATTI, with  Islamic  staff.

               In  March  2002  UPBJJ  Ambon  moved  to  a  neutral  area  at  Jalan  Anthony  Rhedok
               No. 17  Ambon , with  both  Christian  and  Islamic staff. Due  to  a conflict on  25  April
               2004 , UPBJJ Ambon  moved  again  to  Pulo  Gangsa  opposite  Maluku  District Police

               {Polda  Maluku)  until  5 January  2005 . On  6  January  2005 ,  UPBJJ  Ambon  moved
               again  to  Jalan  Mutiara  No.  40  Mardika  Ambon . Before  it moved  to  Jalan  Mutiara,

               UT  Head  Office  and  UPBBJ  Ambon  renovated  the  building.  UPBJJ  Ambon  now
               had  a comfortable  building for staff to  provide  services  to  the  students.

                    In  1991/1992,  buildings  previously  used  by  SPG  and  SGO  throughout
               Indonesia  were  closed .  As  mentioned  before  that  UT  received  transferred  staff

               from  SPGs  and  SGOs.  In  addition ,  UT  also  received  build ings  of  former  SPGs
               and  SGOs,  even  though  not  all  were  handed  over  to  UT.  UPBJJs  receiving

               buildings  from  SPGs  and  SGOs  are  UPBJJ  Jakarta,  Banda  Aceh ,  Pekanbaru,
               Bengkulu ,  Medan,  Bandung ,  Malang,  Yogyakarta ,  Denpasar,  Mataram,

               Palangkaraya,  Samarinda ,  and  Kendari .  An  example  of  smooth  transfer  was
               UPBJJ  Pekanbaru .  UPBJJ  Pekanbaru  previously  located  at  UNRI  Campus  on

               Jalan  Pattimura  No.  9  Pekanbaru .  Several  years  later,  based  on  a  Letter  of
               Decision  from  the  Director  General  of  Higher  Education  No.  83/DIKTI/KEP/1990

               on  Universitas  Riau's  authorization  of  handing  over  SPGN/SGON  facilities  to
               UPBJJ  Pekanbaru  on  24  September  1990,  gave  instruction  to  UNRI  Rector  to

               hand  over  former  SGON  buildings  to  UPBJJ  Pekanbaru .  Based  on  that  letter,
               UNRI  Rector  issued  a  Letter  of Decision  No.  3575/PT.22H/D/1992  on  13  August


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