Page 312 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 312

In  general ,  the  transfer  of  land  and  buildings  of  former  SPGs  and  SGOs
          from  Dikti to  other UPBJJs  was  smooth . The  transfer of former  buildings  of SPGs

          and  SGOs  form  Dikti  to  UPBJJ  Makasar  was  in  the  form  of  exchange  with
          Universitas  Makasar  for  a 1690  square  meters  building.  The  facilities  of  UPBJJs

          vary.  Not  all  experiences  of  UPBJJs  in  obtaining  land  and  building  included  in
          this  writing .  Ownership  status  of  land  and  buildings  of  UPBJJs  can  be  found  in

          Annex  7.
                At  the  beginning  most  UPBJJs  used  typewriters;  however  in  1990s  most

          UPBJJs  had  been  equipped  with  computers. UPBBJs  with  big  number of students
          like  UPBJJ  Surabaya,  Bandung,  and  Padang  (in  1990s  belonged  to  Category  A),

          in  the  late  1999  they  have  had  LAN  network.  At  that  time, UT's  Computer Center
          had  implemented  computerized  data  processing .  UT  had  also  equipped  with

          computer  program  applications  designed  for  specific  purposes .  Since  1984,
          information  technology  (IT)  at  UT  continued  to  be  perfected.  For  administrative

          purposes,  e-administration  has  been  used, and  for  learning  purposes, e-learning
          has  been  used.  However,  due  to  some  constraints ,  only  few  students· use

          computers,  especially  those  living  in  remote  areas,  where  they  have  difficulties
          to  access  computers.

                UT  welcomes  the  education  network  provided  by  Department  of  National
          Education  and  will  join  the  network  in  2007  to  make  students  comfortable  in

          accessing  learning  materials  and  other  supports.  UT  is  now  connected  to
          lndonet.  Competence  in  IT  for  all  UPBJJ  staff is  a must  because  it is  related  to

          quality  of  a  distance  higher  education  institution.  Therefore,  UT  continuously
          implements  trainings  for  UPBJJ  staff.  In  addition ,  trainings  in  information

          technology  are  implemented for  students, free  of charge.
                At  the  time  this  book  is  being  written,  all  activities  at  UPBJJ  have  been

          done  with  computer, such  as  for  input, keeping  student  data , registering  learning

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