Page 307 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 307

academic  staff and  administration  staff.  Number  of administration  and  academic

              staff in  each  UPBJJ  can  be  found  in  Annex  6.

              4)  Development of Facilities
                   At  the  beginning  of UT's  operation, UPBJJ's office  buildings yvere borrowed

              from  partner  universities  (except  UPBBJ  Bogor  wh ich  made  use  of  an  office
              building  at  STM  Negeri  Boger),  but  for  the  UPBJJs  set  up  after  2000,  UT  or  its

              partners  rent  buildings  for  their offices. The  build ing  for  UPBJJ  Pangkal  Pinang,
              for  example, the  Provincial  Government  rented  a building  for  it for three  years. It

              was  a  form  of  the  Governor's  (Drs  Hudarni  Rani)  attention  to  efforts  of  qual ity
              improvement  of  human  resources  in  the  province.  UPBJJ  Gorontalo  formerly

              occupied  History  Laboratory  Building  at  IKIP  Negeri  Gorontalo.  In  a short  time,
              on  September 2003  UPBJJ  Gorontalo  built a 500  square  meters  office  building  on

              a  1.662  square  meters  land.  The  office  was  built  by  Gorontalo  Governor's
              assistance  - H.  Fadel  Mohammad .  On  23  January  2004 ,  UPBBJ  Gorontalo  was

              officially open, in  commemoration  of Gorontalo  Patriot's Day.
                   Beside  office  bu ildings ,  UPBBJs  also  got  modest  equipment  from  partner

              universities,  such  as  typewriters,  tables,  chairs  and  wooden  cupboard .  All
              UPBJJs  set  up  at  the  beginning  of  UT's  establishment  used  simple  and  manual

              facilities  while  new  UPBJJs  had  adequate  facil ities,  even  though  their  office
              buildings were  rented .
                   As  the  number  of  students  increased,  UPBJJs  add  some  more  facilities  to

              give  better  services  to  students.  It  happened  at  almost  all  UPBJJs  but  the

              development  of  UPBBJ  was  different  from  one  another  depending  on  the  number
              of students and  their unique  local  conditions. UPBJJs  in Java  and  Sumatera  have
              more  students  than  UPBBJs  in  other  regions .  It  is  understandable  as  the  two

              islands are  more  populous .

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