Page 308 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 308

Attention  from  partner  universities  and  local  government  also  played  an
           important  role  for  UPBJJs .  UPBJJ  Bogor,  for  example,  had  never  received

           assistance  from  partner  universities,  but  the  assistance  came  from  West  Java
           Education  Office,  which  lent  an  office  building  at  STM  Negeri  Bogor  at  Jalan

           Pemuda  No.  50  (from  1984-1986).  From  1986-1989,  UPBBJ  Bogor  lent  an  office
           building  at  SMEA  Negeri  Bogor  on  Jalan  Heulang .  From  1989  to  1996,  UPBBJ

           again  occupied  the  old  office  building  at  STM  Negeri  Bogor.  Starting  from
           February  2005 ,  UPBJJ  Bogor  built  its  own  building  at  Jalan  Julang  No.  7,

           financed  by  UT  Head  Office,  on  a piece  of land  lent by  Bogor local  government.
                From  1984  to  1986, UPBJJ  Bandung  occupied  an  office  building  at  Gedung

           TKPJ  IKIP  Bandung.  This  building  was  formerly  used  by  IKIP  Bandung  to
           implement  a  distance  education  program  from  1982  to  1985.   Because  of

           inadequate  location, from  1986  to  1990  IKIP  Bandung  permitted  UPBJJ  Bandung
           to  renovate  and  use  former  SO  Pembangunan  IKIP  Bandung.  Based  on  a letter of

           decision  from  Directorate  General  of  Higher  Education ,  in  1991  UPBJJ  Bandung
           was  permitted  to  use  part  of  buildings  at  former  SPGN  I  Cibiru ,  at  Jalan  Raya

           Cibiru  Km  15  Bandung.  Like  IKIP  Bandung , UNPAD  also  paid  attention  to  UPBJJ
           Bandung  in areas  of human  resources  and  facil ities.  UNPAD  let  UPBJJ  Bandung
           use  one  of  the  building  at  FMIPA  UNPAD,  located  on  Jalan  Dago  Bandung  to

           implement  Non-Educational  Programs .

                From  1984  to  2005  UPBJJ  Yogyakarta  was  located  at  Universitas  Gajah
           Mada  (UGM)  premises .  At  the  beginning ,  UPBBJ  Yogyakarta  occupied  a  small
           building  at  UGM's workshop  building.  In  1985  UPBJJ  Yogyakarta  had  to  move  to

           another  place  because  Universitas  Gajah  Mada  was  to  expand  the  workshop .

           UPBBJ  Yogyakarta  then  occupied  part  of  UGM 's  registration  office,  not  far  from
           the  old  office.  At  the  end  of  1987,  UPBJJ  Yogyakarta  again  had  to  move  to
           another  building  because  the  office  was  to  be  renovated  to  expand  UGM's

           publishing  offi'ce.  UPBBJ  then  occupied  a  building  next  to  Pusat  Penelitian

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