Page 310 - Universitas Terbuka Center of Excellence In Asia 2010 and The World 2020 (A Journey Towards a Leading Open and Distance Education Institution 1984-2008)
P. 310

next to  Campus  C UNAIR. The  land  was  bought  by  UT, and  was  then  exchanged
         with  a land  at  Campus  C UNAIR.  In  2002,  the  development  of  UPBJJ  Surabaya

         office  building  commenced .  Since  then,  UPBBJ  Surabaya  had  had  its  own

         building  in  a comfortable and  strategic location.
               UPBJJ  Jakarta  is  one  UPBJJ  that  has  not  had  to  move  since  its
         establishment in  1984.  The  preparation  for  UT's establishment was  carried  out  in

         an  office  at  Fakultas  Pasca  Sarjana  IKIP  Negeri  Jakarta  (now  UNJ). IKIP  Rector,

         Prof,  Conny  Semiawan  then  move  the  office  to  another  building  in  that  campus.
         The  building  used  as  the  office  for  UT's  preparation  became  the  office  of  UPBJJ
         Jakarta,  after  Pondok  Cabe  campus  was  completed  and  the  Preparation  Team

         moved  to  Pondok  Cabe . The  building  has  undergone several  renovations .

               The  building  given  by  Directorate  General  of  Higher  Education  to  UT  in
         1991,  which  was  used  by  I KIP  Jakarta,  was  exchanged  with  the  one  used  by
         UPBJJ  Jakarta. It was  specified  in  a Memorandum  of  Understanding. So, the  land

         and  building  which  had  been  used  by  UPBJJ  Jakarta  now  belongs  to  UPBJJ
         Jakarta. In  2003, UT  built  a permanent office  building  on  that  702  square  meters

         land. At  the  beginning  of  its  establishment,  UT  was  financially  assisted  by  FPS
         IKIP Jakarta.  FPS  IKIP Jakarta  also  provided  UT with  human  resources  and  office

         equipment, such  as  tables, chair, cupboard,  and  computers .

               UPBBJ  Manado  shares  the  same  experience  with  UPBJJ  Jakarta .  The
         development  of  its  office  building  is  as  follow:  at  the  beginning ,  UPBBJ  Manado
         used  a building  lent by  IKIP  Manado. When  IKIP  Manado  moved  to  Tondano  dan

         Tomohon,  all  facilities ,  land  and  buildings  were  handed  over  to  Universitas  Sam
         Ratulangi. During  the  time  that it moved  in  1995, the  Rector of IKIP  Manado, Prof

         M.  Wullur,  MS  handed  the  building  used  by  UPBJJ  Manado  to  Universitas  Sam
         Ratulangi.  The  rector of Universitas  Sam  Ratulangi  then  handed  over the  building

         to  Head  of  UPBJJ  Manado,  which  was  formalized  in  a  letter  no.

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